What We Do

Every One Every Day Kjipuktuk is working with local residents in the North End of Kjipuktuk (Halifax) to be build a new system of neighbourhood participation that that has potential to transform how we live and learn together every day.  

Halifax’s North End is a special place, and home to many people with different languages, cultures, skills and hobbies. Together we want to make even more opportunities for people to get together and share these wonderful things. Can you imagine a place where people can get together to cook, play, share, learn, bake, make, mend and chat? We’re going to make it happen, but we need you! 

Every One Every Day is working to create opportunities for neighbours to connect and learn over shared interests, and where everybody from across the neighbourhood can get to know each other. Central to these interactions is respectful learning and sharing across the histories and cultures that make up the places we call home. 

Every One Every Day is made possible by residents like you coming together to share ideas, time, and skills, and offer inspiration for the kinds of things we could be doing more of to make everyday life better for everyone. To get started, residents are invited to come by the Neighbourhood Shop at 2169 Gottingen Street to meet others living nearby, share ideas with the team, and contribute to growing a network of neighbourhood projects inspired by the energy and creativity of your North End neighbours.  

Taking part is easy. Every One Every Day projects are all about doing practical, creative things with people nearby, and finding more ways for people to connect and learn across the neighbourhood. They are all free to attend and open to everyone.   

Taken together, and with all the wonderful spaces and projects that already exist in the North End, this vibrant and welcoming network of opportunities can help to create an optimistic vision of the future - making it a place where everyone’s contributions are important and vital.  

What is Every One Every Day All About?

Lots of wonderful things are being achieved by local people, friends, family and neighbours. What ways of bringing people together can you imagine in the North End? Come along and let’s see what we can make happen together!

We’ve been living in parallel for so long. It’s about time we came together.
— MNFC Board Chair